Members of the House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago

Citizens in Trinidad and tobago went to the polls to elect a new regime on 7 Septmebr 2015. Caribbean Elections provides information and current news for voters, students, teachers on the election and the Trinidad and Tobago electoral procedure.
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Learn more The Business firm of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago has 41 members, elected for a five year term in single-seat constituencies by offset-past-the-mail service voting. The Senate has 31 appointed members.
Caput of Country President elected past electoral college or commission.
Head of Government Prime Minister is appointed by the President. The President usually appoints the leader of the majority party in the Firm of Representatives.
Structure of Parliament Bicameral Parliament consisting of the Senate with 31 seats and the House of Representatives with 41 seats.
Electoral Law Representation of the People Act
Constituencies 41 unmarried-member electoral districts or constituencies.
Voting System The President is elected by electoral college to serve a five-yr term. In the Senate, 16 members are appointed by the ruling party, 9 members are appointed by the president, and 6 members are appointed by the opposition party. All members serve v-year terms. In the House of Representatives 41 members are elected by popular vote to serve v-yr terms.
Term of Function five years
Voter Requirements - Age: 18 years
- Trinidad and Tobago citizens
- Residence in state for at least i yr and in home district and for at least two months prior to poll
- Disqualifications: insanity, balloter offence, sentence of death or imprisonment exceeding 12 months
Candidate Eligibility and Requirements - Historic period: 18 years
- Trinidad and Tobago citizenship
- Residence in state for at least ii years immediately before nomination or on ballot appointment
- Ineligibility: allegiance to a foreign State, undischarged defalcation, insanity, sentence of death or imprisonment exceeding 12 months, conviction for election-continued offence
- Nomination by six or more registered electors of the constituency (commune)
- Deposit of TT$ 5000.00, which is reimbursed if the candidate polls at least ane-eighth of the vote in his district
Electoral Authority Elections and Boundaries Commission of Trinidad and Tobago
Concluding Elections 7 September 2015
Next Elections September 2020
Year Specific Engagement Winning Party Total
Party % Votes Seats
1946 Mon, 28 Oct 1946 No clear winner - - 9 52.92%
1950 Monday, 18 Sep 1950 British Empire Citizens' and Workers' Dwelling house Rule Party 22.07% half dozen 18 70.x%
1956 Monday, 24 Sep 1956 People'southward National Movement 39.83% 13 24 80.20%
1961 Mon, iv Dec 1961 People'south National Movement 57.00% xx 30 88.xi%
1966 Mon, 7 Nov 1966 People'southward National Motion 52.44% 24 36 65.79%
1971 Mon, 24 May 1971 People's National Movement 84.14% 36 36 33.17%
1976 Mon, 13 Sep 1976 People's National Motion 54.23% 24 36 55.83%
1981 Mon, 9 Nov 1981 People's National Motility 52.95% 26 36 56.43%
1986 Mon, xv December 1986 National Alliance for Reconstruction 66.29% 33 36 65.45%
1991 Mon, xvi December 1991 People's National Movement 45.02% 21 36 65.45%
1995 Mon, six Nov 1995 United National Congress + National Alliance for Reconstruction fifty.51% 19 36 63.30%
2000 Monday, 11 Dec 2000 United National Congress 51.74% 19 36 63.05%
2001 Mon, x Dec 2001 People's National Move 46.51% 18 36 68.36%
2002 Mon, 7 Oct 2002 People's National Movement 50.89% xx 36 69.64%
2007 Mon, 5 November 2007 People's National Movement 46.01% 26 41 69.64%
2010 Mon, 24 May 2010 People's Partnership 39.seventy% 29 41 69.88%
2015 Mon, 7 Sep 2015 People'due south National Movement 51.68% 23 41 66.84%
Year Study Download
2000 The Trinidad and Tobago General Ballot 11 Dec 2000 - Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group Download
2001 Preliminary Argument issued past the CARICOM Balloter Observer Mission to the General Elections in Trinidad and Tobago on 10 December 2001 Download
2010 Final Written report of the CARICOM Balloter Observer Mission to the Full general Elections in Trinidad and Tobago on seven September 2015 Download
2015 Final Report issued by the Republic Observer Group to the General Elections in Trinidad and Tobago on 7 September 2015 Download
Interim Statement issued by the Commonwealth Observer Group to the General Elections in Trinidad and Tobago on 7 September 2015 Download
Preliminary Statement issued by the CARICOM Electoral Observer Mission to the General Elections in Trinidad and Tobago on 7 September 2015 Download
PNM= People's National Movement; PP=People's Partnership; ILP=Independent Labour Party; IND = Inpendent candidate; * Incumbent; ** Political Leader
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Past ELECTIONS learn more
 General Ballot Results 1946
 General Election Results 1950
 General Election Results 1956
 General Election Results 1961
 General Election Results 1966
 Full general Election Results 1971
 General Election Results 1976
 General Election Results 1981
 General Election Results 1986
 General Election Results 1991
 General Election Results 1995
 General Election Results 2000
 General Election Results 2001
 General Election Results 2002
 General Election Results 2007
 General Election Results 2010
 General Election Results 2015
Political party MANIFESTOS learn more
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